AUSI' Talks
As part of its “DISRUPT” vision, AUSIM has decided to launch its own Web TV, “AUSIM BROADCASTING CHANNEL”, in April 2021, with its first show called “AUSI’Talks”. This new production joins AUSIM’s many other productions. It is broadcast on the AUSIM YouTube channel with dedicated communication on all AUSIM networks in order to share its content on a larger scale and thus contribute to a technological awareness with that of a human face.
Presentation of the program
AUSI’Talks is a new platform where debates focus on current issues related to technology and the digital world, always with the presentation of use cases showing the usefulness and relevance of the chosen technology in everyone’s life.
Organize rich and enriching debates with the most representative actors in each industry sector.
Focus on the latest innovations and technological solutions by sector affected by Digital (Health, Banking, Agriculture, etc.)
Highlighting digital trends.
Promote digital transformation and encourage its acceleration.
Share Uses-cases.